Monday, October 29, 2012

All is available in portable accommodation

Looking for building materials in the store building is not as easy as imagined. Because not all stores have a full inventory in bulk. And to build a very tall buildings, which is an indispensable ingredient. Is not possible if you have to move around the shop. a portable accommodation provide the best solution for it. There is a number of buildings providing you want.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Decorative Bird Feeders: Sanctuary for Birds, Good Sights for Spectators

More and more people are starting to get into feeding wild birds in their yards and gardens. That is because wild birds, even how wild they may tend to be, would always return to that especially allotted spot where they can find great seeds to eat.
Bright and lively groups of birds, flying around the bird feeder is also a great, amusing and relaxing sight to see. That can be one of the logical reasons why there is a rising number of people who are getting more and more interested at investing in decorative bird feeders.
In the past years, people from several countries had become fond of attending to homing pigeons. Now, it is not only pigeons that are catching the attention of people who invest in bird feeders. Other wild birds can also be served by wild bird feeders.
Because people would not get anything from their investment at bird feeders aside from the pretty sight of birds coming home and feeding the communal food served to them, bird feeder makers have started making the structures as beautiful as possible to further spice up the sight.
Nowadays, you could see bird feeders that are decoratively designed so that the structures alone are already a pretty good sight to look at. Them having birds would extremely be a pleasure for observers.
There are a number of specialty shops and bird feeder manufacturers which currently distribute decorative wild bird feeders. You would surely be amazed at how these feeders look like. They are in the form of real home structures, and the designs are truly profound and extravagant.
There are special decorative bird feeders that actually costs a lot more expensive than the average home for people. Also take note that several decorative bird feeders are actually designed by good architects and are built from the finest and most flexible raw materials.
Fun collection
Decorative bird feeders can also be fun to collect. Such collections would surely be fun, because they are not just aesthetic, these objects are also extremely useful, especially to birds.
People are greatly admiring the beauty of decorative bird feeders, which become host to a number of colorful and different breeds and seizes of different types of birds.
Each season, there may be different types of birds that may swoon in and troupe around the special bird structures. It is such sights that make collecting decorative bird feeders very much fun.
Migrating birds
The most usual beneficiaries of the decorative bird feeders are the migratory birds who flock out of their area origins during winter. Not only would you be providing food to such migratory organisms. You would also be providing them with temporary shelter or resting place where they can recharge after flying thousands of miles.
Spectators also gaze up and enjoy the event. That way, you would not only help the birds, but also those people, who, even for a few minutes, are relieved of the burdens of their personal problems by being entertained by the breath-taking scenery.
Decorative bird feeders add to the attraction of the bird feeding sight. Find one and see for yourself how your day would be made even brighter by the simple joy and admiration you may derive from simply looking at a bird feeder.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Binoculars and Bird Watching: Using the Right Binoculars the Right Way

Binoculars and bird watching go hand in hand together. While binoculars are not a requirement for bird watching, they are in fact the number one tool a bird watcher will need. The great thing about bird watching though, as opposed to other outdoor activities, is the fact that binoculars are all you will ever really need. Of course there are other items that you can invest in that will enhance your bird watching experience, such as a spotting scope, digital camera, and digiscoping adapters. But to get started, your first investment should definitely be a quality set of Binoculars.
When choosing the best binoculars for bird watching, the number one thing to consider is your budget. Your budget will determine the quality of binoculars you are in the market for. As with all optics equipment, as quality goes up, price follows. In fact, in most cases, price rises faster than quality demonstrating a law of diminishing returns. In most cases, $500 binoculars will be about twice as good as $250 binoculars; but $1,000 dollar binoculars will most likely be not be twice as good as $500 binoculars. The difference is even less between $2,000 and $1,000 binoculars. Still though, there is a difference between all of these; it is a difference you will have to pay for. Just remember the following quote and you will be fine:
The best rule of thumb in buying binoculars is to go with the best binoculars for bird watching you can afford because you get what you pay for.
The Best Size Binoculars for Bird Watching
There are many different sizes of binoculars on the market today from 6x50mm to 12x20mm and everything in between. This can make for a tough decision for first time buyers when looking for the best binoculars for bird watching. To make things a whole lot easier, remember that most experienced users of binoculars will agree that the best binoculars have a magnification of 10 power and an objective of 40mm - 42mm. This is spelled out as 10X40mm or 10X42mm. Of course this is open to debate and some will argue to go with less magnification and/or a bigger objective lens. But again, most will agree that 10X42mm binoculars will be the best compromise between size, magnification, field of view, and comfort.
Beginning with Quality Binoculars
Unless of course you can afford it, it might not be a good idea to rush out and buy the best binoculars for bird watching. The thing is that you may find that bird watching is not that exciting to you and then you have high dollar binoculars that do not get used for the reason you bought them. All is not lost though, because throughout life you will have times when fine optics would come in handy. If you are considering bird watching, then chances are you spend some time in the outdoors, or would like to, and you will have a need for binoculars for the rest of your life.
Like wise, you should not buy cheap binoculars for bird watching either. For one thing, if you find birding to be as addicting as we do, then you will get tons of use out of your binoculars. If you started out with cheap binoculars, then you will undoubtedly regret the purchase, and or buying a higher quality binocular later, costing you more in the long run. That is why we go by the saying (and I will say it again): Go with the best binoculars for bird watching that you can afford, because you get what you pay for. It is amazing how much a quality set of binoculars, like any listed above, enhances birdwatching over cheap binoculars.
Other Bird Watching Equipment:
Binoculars are the first piece of equipment you will need to begin enjoying bird watching. Of course binoculars are just the beginning; there are several other items that you may determine to be necessary depending on how far you decide to take this hobby. Spotting scope, cameras, digiscope adapters, bird books, video cameras, and bird feeders are just a few that come to mind (click on the link to view the best of each in their price range).
Spotting Scope: A very popular tool to most hardcore bird watchers as it enables one to view wildlife with a great deal of magnification with the use of a tripod so the view is steady. The average magnification range is around 20-60 power with an objective lens of 60-80mm. With these types of numbers you can only imagine how well you can view birds: up close with lots of light. A spotting scope is a very valuable tool for bird watchers and can really enhance the experience. Of course this is another expense, and they can get expensive.
The Highs and Lows of Bird Watching:
Like most wildlife viewing, there are both slow and fast times. There are some times when you just aren't finding the birds you would like to. For some of us hardcore bird watchers, its these slow times when the birds are a challenge to find that make the good times even better. Unfortunately though, it is these slow times that often turn people off to bird watching. If you are just beginning, and especially going at it alone or with other non experienced bird watchers, then these slow times can be quite the norm. That is why it is advised that you go with an experienced bird watcher that knows the area and can show you spots that you will be able to consistently see intriguing birds in their natural state.
Ways to find birds:
  • In most areas, there are birdwatching clubs that you can join. These are not only a good way to see birds, but also a good way to meet like minded people.
  • Get information from people in a bird club on other areas you can checkout on your own, but with a little direction that will make things much easier.
  • Hire a guide: most areas have some type of nature guides that can take you to areas where there are large numbers of neat birds to see. Be sure to ask a lot of questions and try to establish some other areas where the guide can suggest you check on your own time. It is likely there is not enough time for the guide to take you to all the good birding areas in one day. If you like your guide, set up another date when he or her could take you on another bird watching adventure.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dog Aggression - Understanding Why?

Aggression is one of the main reasons that dogs are euthanised or rehomed; at least 30% of all dogs in rescue centres are there because of the incidence of aggressive behaviour in one form or another. It is actually unusual to have a dog that is aggressing to have just one type of aggression; most dogs have more than one of the following types of behaviour.
It would be prudent, before embarking on a program of aggressive behaviour modification, to rule out any medical reasons for that behaviour, especially if there is a sudden change in the dog's temperament. Their are some fifty-odd different medical reasons why a dog may be showing aggressive tendencies, these range from Pain to Thyroid Dysfunction, Epilepsy to Hypoglycaemia and Diabetes.
The following is a list of the more common aggressions and why they may be occurring. This is only a part of the total types. Because of the constraints of space it can only be a fleeting reference.
1. Fear / Nervous Aggression (Interdog)
Quite often, this behaviour has its roots directly to the pup's mother. Breeders that breed from fearful and timid bitches will often make excuses as to why you cannot see the dam. If you do view a litter of puppies and the mother is fearful, then do not even think of buying the puppy. It will be almost a certainty that the pups will inherit some of the mother's traits, through both genetics and socialisation, genetically the pups may inherit her timidity and through the time they are with her will observe her fear and follow suit.
Scientific research has shown that even the pups that are born to a solid and stable mother that are then put with a bitch that is fearful, they will pick up some of the unstable habits from the fearful dog. Other reasons for this fear type of problem is when the puppy or adult dog is attacked by another dog, especially whilst on the lead, with no means of escape and restricted from showing submissive body language to the attacker.
Lack of early socialisation can also have an affect on this type of behaviour, If the young pup, especially between the age of seven and sixteen weeks, is not carefully socialised with both adult and pups alike, then they do not learn to "meet and greet". The complex body language dogs learn at this age is crucial to their later behaviour when approaching unknown dogs. If they are unable to either perform or understand the greeting rituals, then they are immediately viewed with suspicion by the approaching dog, and conflict may arise
How can you tell if it is fear?
With nervous and fear aggressive dogs, you will find that they will react aggressively to any dog, regardless of whether it is male or female. The behaviour is often worse if the dog is on the lead or is cornered, especially if close to the owner, who backs up the behaviour, (though unwittingly) by becoming nervous and agitated as the other dog approaches.
This manifests itself in a tightening up on the lead and shoulders. Nervous owners also kick out a cloud of adrenaline that the dog instantly detects, this causes it to look for what is causing the concern. It sees the dog approaching and reacts accordingly. This type of dog is also normally a barker, it will lunge and bark at the approaching dog but generally will not snap unless all its options have run out. ie flight or freeze and after all its threat posturing the other dog has still got too close.
This problem can often be diagnosed if someone who is confident around dogs (that the dog does not know well) takes it out on the lead. It will not get the same fearful vibes from the owner, therefore the reaction to another dogs approaching will be less intense. It is a good way of finding out if your dog suffers fear aggression, as the behaviour will either not be exhibited or will be less pronounced. The owner can then use a desensitisation program for both the dog and themselves.
2. Fear / Nervous Aggression (Inter-human)
Once again, this can be caused through lack of early socialisation, bad breeding and sometimes lack of handling at an early age, starting as young as two weeks old. Pups that are not handled gently and often by the breeder do not get a strong olfactory and tactile bond with humans. This is often the case with puppy farmed dogs and dogs born to large breeders. This handling at such an early age causes a mild stress response in the tiny pup, which benefits its ability to cope with many situations including people and dogs in later life
Nervous and fear aggressing is always defensive in nature, sometimes it is related to the sex of the person. If the breeder was female, and very few males visited or handled the puppies, then the timidity and fear may be worse with men. This particular problem like interdog hostility, will manifest itself mainly with individuals rather than crowds.
You will find that the dog will bark a lot but will be under a table or behind a settee. The tail will be down and although it may seem overtly aggressive, the dogs balance and weight will be on the back foot not over the front feet. This demonstrates that the dog wants you to go away and is not initially trying to bite or attack you. A gradual and careful introduction to the stimulus that is causing the fear with positive reinforcement for calm behaviour is the way to overcome this type of problem though the dog will rarely make a total and full recovery and will never be life and soul of the park and greeting parties.
3. Frustration Aggression
Research has shown that dogs who are not allowed to interact "normally" with people and dogs who were prone to displays of bad temper and behaviour that was overtly aggressive are dogs that are generally restrained or restricted from normal interactions (interactions with people, other dogs, and the outside world). The dog develops an intense desire to gain access to all of those things he desires.
This desire can escalate into escape and roaming behaviour, agitation, biting and unprovoked attacks. It is often observed in dogs that are left tied up in flats, left in gardens, or near a window where they can see the things they want to interact with, but cannot get to them therefore display unprovoked aggression. To some extent, the aggression shown to the postman is based on frustration. I have seen dogs attack their owner or a second dog in the home because it cannot get to the deliveryman.
As with most aggressive behaviours early socialisations and an understanding of how dogs learn and communicate are essential.

Does Your Dog Bite? How to Protect Your Dog and Yourself from Liability

MuttShack Foundation for Animal Foster and Rescue, claim that dogs bite more than 4.7 million people every year in the United States.
The blame could be the dog's, the owner's, or the victim's. But the one who invariably pays, is the owner. The owner of the dog becomes responsible for paying for the medical bills, time lost from work as well as pain and suffering. The one who suffers most, is the dog that is abandoned in a shelter or disposed of.
Dog owners should assume more than their share of the responsibility for protecting people and other animals from their dogs, and also assume the responsibility to protect their dogs from people. Kids will run up to a dog screaming in delight and frighten the dog. A dog in his excitement to greet someone may jump up and scratch him or her. A passer-by may approach a dog aggressively or provoke him. Neighborhood kids may let the dogs out just to have some fun.
There is no way to guarantee that your dog will never bite someone. But you can significantly reduce the risk:
o Spay or neuter your dog. This important and routine procedure will reduce your dog's desire to roam and fight with other dogs, making safe confinement an easier task. Spayed or neutered dogs are much less likely to bite.
o Socialize your dog. Introduce your dog to many different types of people and situations so that he or she is not nervous or frightened under normal social circumstances.
o Train your dog. Accompanying your dog to a training class is an excellent way to socialize him and to learn proper training techniques. Training your dog is a family matter. Every member of your household should learn the training techniques and participate in your dog's education. Never send your dog away to be trained; only you can teach your dog how to behave in your home. Note that training classes are a great investment even for experienced dog caregivers.
o Be alert with your dog around children. Rambunctious play may startle your dog, and he may react by snapping or biting. Neighborhood children may be attracted to your dog, so make sure you have a child-proof lock on your gate and there is no way for little hands to get through the fence.
o Teach your dog appropriate behavior. Never teach your dog to chase after or attack others, even in fun. Your dog can't always understand the difference between play and real-life situations. Set appropriate limits for your dog's behavior.
Don't wait for an accident.
The first time he exhibits dangerous behavior toward any person, seek professional help from your veterinarian, an animal behaviorist, or a qualified dog trainer. Dangerous behavior toward other animals may eventually lead to dangerous behavior toward people, and is also a reason to seek professional help.
o Be a responsible dog owner. License your dog as required by law, and provide regular veterinary care, including rabies vaccinations. For everyone's safety, don't allow your dog to roam alone. Make your dog a member of your family. Dogs who spend a great deal of time alone in the backyard or tied on a chain often become dangerous. Dogs who are well socialized and supervised are much less likely to bite.
o Stay on the safe side. If you don't know how your dog will react to a new situation, be cautious. If your dog may panic in crowds, leave him at home. If your dog overreacts to visitors or delivery or service personnel, keep him in another room. Work with professionals to help your dog become accustomed to these and other situations. Until you are confident of his behavior, however, avoid stressful settings.
I thought you said your dog doesn't bite? "That's not my dog" ... says Peter Sellers.
Seriously, if your dog bites someone, act responsibly; take these steps to mitigate the harm:
o Confine your dog immediately and check on the victim's condition. If necessary, seek medical help.
o Provide the victim with important information, such as the date of your dog's last rabies vaccination.
o You should cooperate fully with the animal control official responsible for acquiring information about your dog. If your dog must be quarantined for any length of time, ask whether he may be confined within your home or at your veterinarian's hospital. Strictly follow quarantine requirements for your dog.

Time to Bird Proof Your Property

It happened in Norway. Policewoman Jorun Lyngstad was just riding her bike through the woods when Europe's biggest game bird, a wood grouse, rammed her from the side and sent her flying through the air. With her foot stuck in one of the pedals, Lyngstad had to use her bike as a shield as she tried to fight off the aggressive bird, which repeatedly came at her. The policewoman finally pinned the bird's head underneath the bike's front wheel. Once released, the bird fled back into the woods. Lyngstad suffered only minor scratches and a big bruise in her side where the wood grouse rammed her. This is not surprising, since a wood grouse can be up to three feet tall and weigh close to nine pounds. Lyngstad, who was wearing a bright yellow vest at the time, said she couldn't understand what provoked the bird to attack her.
While most of ur don't have to worry about 9-pound birds knocking us off our bikes, smaller pest birds can knock us for a loop when it comes to property damage. Thousands of homeowners, boat owners, facilities managers and municipalities have suffered the ravages of pest birds. The nests, the droppings and the destruction and diseases they carry cost Americans millions annually. Many people have decided to fight back by bird proofing their property.
Modern Bird Proofing Methods
Today's bird proofing solutions combine technology with some good old-fashioned bird psychology to deter pest birds. The new breed of pest bird deterrents covers a wide spectrum of applications and bird types and sizes.
Yikes, it's Bird Spikes
First, and perhaps the most popular bird-proofing device is the highly effective Bird Spike. These spiked strips may look threatening, but the blunted spikes are safe for birds, people and pets. It's not hard to imagine how they work: they simply can't land on or near them. The spiked strips come with long-lasting stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate spikes. Installation is fast and easy on virtually any flat surface or ledge.
There are several types of spikes for differing applications. The Mega Spike, for example, is considered the Godzilla of bird spikes. Its long spikes--typically 7" high--will persuade most seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures, raptors and other large birds to move on. Mega spikes made of marine-grade stainless steel will last longer. Try to get spikes with a crush proof, non-reflective metal finish. The best bird proof spikes have a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base that you can angle to fit curved surfaces.
Want to keep pest birds and nests out of your rain gutters? Try the Gutter Spike. They work quite well in discouraging large pests like seagulls, crows, and pigeons from gutters. Like most bird spikes, gutter spikes usually come in two-foot long strips. The best come with adjustable clamps at the base for easy installation to the lip of a gutter.
Birds Hate Spiders Too
People aren't fond of spiders, and birds aren't fond of one particular spider--the Bird Spider. They hate the spindly arms of this novel device. The arms wave threateningly in the wind to scare birds away. You've probably seen these spiders on restaurant tables, canvas boat covers, awnings, patios and other flat surfaces. Bird spiders are available in a variety of arm lengths to scare away a wide range of species.
Bird Proofing with Safe Chemicals
Pest birds make us angry and cost us money, but we really don't want to hurt the little buggers. Which is why using lethal poisons are out and humane chemical methods are in. Enter Bird Foggers and Misters. These nifty systems spray a fine mist of food-grade methyl anthranilate. Basically a grape extract, this chemical is harmless to birds and humans, but it bugs the heck out of them when they fly through it. Fog/mist systems run the gamut from simple to sophisticated. Simple units have a sprayer and a canister of chemicals. Advanced systems have timers and multiple nozzles that let you direct the mist to very specific sites and varying times/durations.
Pest Birds Slip on this Slope
If they can't land, they can't nest. That's how Bird Slopes bird proof so many properties. These unassuming, slippery PVC panels fit just about anywhere and prevent pest birds from getting a grip. After several landing attempts, birds abandon the area and head for better landing zones. The angled panels are ideal for use on eaves, ledges, beams and other similar niches. They're easy to install on almost any surface and will deter a wide range of pest birds.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to Find the Right Dog School for Your Dog

Has a new puppy recently become a member of your family? Puppies are born with instincts, but not with the knowledge of how to behave. Therefore, it is necessary to teach your new puppy appropriate behaviors and also some fun tricks. You can try to do this yourself or you can enlist the help of a dog school.
There are many different types of dog schools available. What dog school would be the best for your dog? Things to consider when searching for a dog school include: the age of your dog, the breed, the personality, and what it is that you want your dog to learn.
Let's focus first on what you want your dog to learn. Do wish to have your dog learn basic obedience commands such as "sit" and "stay"? Do you want to learn practice drills you can do with your dog at home such as keeping them from begging for food at the dinner table? Then local dog schools will best meet your needs.
Local dog schools can be found at community colleges, city recreation centers, through pet stores, and even through private dog schools. You can opt to take a group class with up to twenty other dogs. These types of dog schools are often less expensive and meet in a local park. They meet once or twice week for a few weeks. You can have fun teaching your dog new commands as well as let them socialize with fellow dogs.
Local dog schools can offer more advanced dog training classes as well. Perhaps your dog has mastered the basic commands and you want to teach them how to hold a piece of food on their nose for a specified amount of time and then flip it into their mouth. You can find dog schools that have fun, exciting advanced classes where you and your dog can bond.
You may consider having your dog compete in dog shows. Maybe you purchased your dog from an established breeder that has determined your dog has champion DNA in their pedigree. If so then you should look into more in depth dog schools that are focused specifically and dog handling/showing. You can find these through breeders and the American Kennel Club. You can search for dog training materials and resources on the American Kennel Club website at:
On a different note, maybe you want your dog to become a service dog or guide dog for the blind. Dogs that perform these jobs have to go to specific guide dog training schools. These special dog schools are necessary because there are very detailed requirements and commands that a guide dog must learn. These types of dog schools will also provide the support, knowledge, and training necessary to make your dog a successful guide dog.
There are many guide and service dog schools around the world to train your dog. You can find these schools through your breeder, groomer, and veterinarian. You can also find information about these dog schools through the Internet. A comprehensive listing is available by Wolf Packs - List of Service Dog Schools and Information. You can find this on their website at:
Once you have determined what you want your dog to learn then you can narrow down your search of dog schools by taking into account your dog's age, personality, and breed. Do you have a young puppy that is large like a Great Dane? Or do you have tiny new Bichon Frise that weighs in at only 4 pounds? Find out the type of dogs that are allowed into the dog training class.
Will the dog training class be filled with many large dogs that might scare your little Bichon Frise? Or are there dog classes available that are separated by age and weight? It is a good idea to be aware of this information before you sign your dog up for classes. You want to provide them the best experience possible and not have them cower when it is time to head to dog class each week.
Another consideration when choosing between dog schools is the amount of one-on-one attention. Is your dog very active and can't sit still during group training sessions? Many dog schools offer private classes. Sometimes the dog trainer will even come to your home to give you and your pooch lessons.
Picking among dog schools is also reliant upon the price and schedule flexibility of the classes. Run a price and schedule comparison on dog schools in your area. This will help you to discover a dog school that fits your schedule, your dog's personality, and meets your budget.
Choosing between dog schools is an important decision that will set your dog on the path to obedience success. Take your time and choose wisely so that both you and your canine buddy have a memorable, enjoyable dog training experience.
Visit the dog [] website to research dog breeds & get free tips on dog training, dog health, dog grooming & how to find dog sitters & dog walkers.

How to Keep Your Dog From Running Away Plus How to Build a Very Cosy (Free) Pet Bed

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How the big four commands save lives
According to the National Health Service and media reports, over 4,500 incidents a year in the U.K. involve dogs and people, with children being the biggest victim group.. You are more likely to be bitten by a dog than win the lottery!
One incident is an unwelcome statistic but until you accept that your pet dog runs away because you let it these incidents are going to continue to occur. There are 5 basic steps, 4 big commands and 3 essential pieces of equipment which you need to learn how to use effectively to gain control and to build discipline into your dog. This guide explains how to do this and how to stop your dog running away. A collar and lead are working instruments of control, just the same as holding your child's hand. Mobile phones are another safety device we use with our children to maintain contact and for a much safer and secure environment. Our dogs are no less important and are at a higher statistical risk than our children. Your voice alone is not going to be enough. Whistling is hard work and it assumes your dog finds the whistle more compelling than what is at the end of its nose. You must start to appreciate that stopping your pet running away is a skill to be learned and developed on an on going basis, and like people, the input of patience and unconditional love, will very likely be paid back. The probability is that if your children are model children then your dog probably will be too, but that doesn't mean it is going to be easy to train, it just means you probably have the mindset and determination to keep your dog safe and disciplined. I admit this article may be a bit controversial but the techniques work and will not harm or hurt your dog. Neglect and ignorance is a much bigger killer. If you want to stop your dog running away there are 3 things your must achieve:
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  • Instant response
  • Your dog's whole and undivided attention
  • Complete obedience
You need to understand that there are 3 reasons why your dog will run away:-
  1. Sex
  2. Cruelty
  3. Owner mismanagement
All three of the reasons as stated above can get your dog killed or seriously injured. If you then overlay lack of success with the 3 disciplinary aspects you have serious issues to deal with and you need to correct this quickly or risk your dog causing death or serious injury. The end result will be the loss of your pet by lethal injection, gunshot or fatal injuries. If minors are involved and they are your own family it will destroy not only your life but that of your entire family. This is how I see it anyway and it is this that motivates me to get it right. Your pet running off is not to be taken lightly. I propose to examine a few simple helpful hints that might make your life more bearable and improve your relationship with the animal at a level you can both appreciate and work on to good effect. I am going to ignore the first two reasons that cause running away. If you need guidance to deal with them please give your dog to a loving home, this article is not for you. Your dog is born with senses which once engaged are so compelling that you pale into insignificance the minute they are engaged. You don't need to be a dog whisperer to understand this, but you can see it for yourself the minute you call your dog back. It is not a great moment when your dog embarrasses you for your inability to handle it. I think one year in a dog's life is about 6.5 of our years, so by the end of year one your dog should be starting to make out sounds, short sentence structures and words. The four most important commands in order are:
  1. sit
  2. heal
  3. down
  4. stay
Dogs are quick learners. Not only do they know your mood, they take everything right to the edge all the time and they are also very persistent. The sooner you start teaching them the better, try to make it fun without finishing up with a fat dog. Remember your children should not be force fed a big McDonalds every time they get their table manners right and The National Hedgehog Road Skills award has never been won by a hedgehog. A lead is the equivalent of your child's hand. You communicate through it just the same way. You would not let your child pull you off your feet, especially on a main road, so use the same discipline with your dog.

Walking Your Dog

One of the most common issues when walking a dog on a lead is the pulling the dog does. Sometimes it may feel like your dog is taking you for a walk and you aren't too far of the truth. It makes for one of the most unenjoyable experiences and often it can cause people to stop walking there dog or limit the number of walks they do. It can lead to great stress in the dog owner and can lead to a feeling of immense frustration. The good news is that people do train there dogs to walk beside them and any dog can be trained to walk properly on the lead.
Time to take the dog for a walk.
We get up from our chair perhaps saying to the dog "walk time", the dog responds by getting up and coming to life. We head to the bedroom putting on a coat or changing into more appropriate clothing for the walk. During this time we may make more eye contact with our dog and talk to it which leads it to bounce around and often this makes us happy because our dog is happy and can't wait to go for a walk. So we only encourage this more and more cause we want our dogs to be happy. Usually the next thing is we start to head towards the door and if you come down stairs or walk down a hallway you will find your dog runs towards the door before you can even get there. We may at this time tell our dog to slow down or calm down.
As we draw closer to the front door the dog may start to bark and spin around in circles in excitement. At this point we may get our dog to sit, even though it maybe shaking in excitement. We put the lead on our dog and pretty much as soon as the dog hears the click of the lead it stands up and heads straight at the door. It's about this time that we start to get angrier and our first out-burst maybe here, where we yell at our dog and command it to sit. We open the door and as soon as it opens our dog leaps outside dragging us with them. This makes us even angrier so we pull the dog back to us and attempt to shut the door and maybe we yell out to someone inside that we're are taking the dog for a walk. We start to head towards the road and all the way our dog is pulling us like a freight train, they may start to sniff a bush then mark it, giving us a little relief before they rocket to the next spot to mark or sniff.
It can be quite embarrassing especially when people start to stare at us and watch as our dog drags us down the street. It's around this time we may either loose it and yell at our dog or just accept that this is what our dog wants on its walk. Often on the walk we can hear the dog choking on the lead which makes us attempt to reason with the dog by telling it to wait or stop, when all this fails we let out more lead which allows it temporary relief before it charges ahead and continues to choke itself. The only way we stop the choking is by walking at its pace. By the time we get home the dog has slowed down and perhaps it may not be pulling much on the lead. That is till we reach our home. When we approach the door our dog starts to again pull at the lead and drag us to the front door.
We then open the door and our dog charges in and we look exhausted and find the walk is not enjoyable, rather it's a chore. From here we start to associate walks with negative thoughts and thus we start to become less incline to take our dog for a walk. It seems hopeless and all the tips our relatives and friends give us just don't work well or only discourage us. So being a proactive person we start to look around for information on how to walk your dog properly. After Googleing "how to stop your dog pulling on a lead" we have found this article. Or maybe you found this other ways - it's not important. What's important is that this issue is very common and with some simple tips and consistent training your dog will be walking properly on a lead.
Your Walk begins before you go for a walk:
Dogs learn from being rewarded. The behaviour of our dog is a direct reflection of how we reward our dog for certain behaviours. If your dog jumps around in excitement it's because you have rewarded this behaviour. A reward can be as simple as talking to your dog, touching your dog or even eye contact. It's important to know a reward is not just a chocolate drop; it comes in many forms and often is associated with body language. Also, hugely important, is that the training of a dog doesn't stop. There is no such thing as "training time" and then the rest of the time with your dog. You can teach a dog to sit and stay however once this stops your dog will still be learning - especially how to behave in different situations. Just like how kids don't stop learning when they come home from school.
Our energy is often another large part of how a dog behaves. If you get up and jump around all excited your dog will mimics this energy. If you get up with no heighten energy, no eye contact with your dog, nothing said, your dog will most likely get up and walk around slowly (especially if your dog follows you around the house everywhere).
How on earth does all this relate to walking your dog properly? Well the walk begins as soon as you get up from your chair. In the scenario above when we got up from our chair to go for a walk we said to our dog "walk time" which alerted our dog to heightened its energy and thus it got excited. Often we have trained our dog to react a certain way to words or body language by accident and its these triggers which cause our dogs to react like nutters sometime.
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Basking In The Backyard Heat With Gazebo Bird Feeders

Ah, summer! Next to Christmas, summer is everybody's favorite time of the year. Backyard barbecues, fruit shakes, pitching somebody's little tent in the lawn, your kids trying to cool off in their inflatable swimming pool. Best of all, you get to spend days and days with your loved ones as you watch the various types of birds flocking in your bird feeder station.
If before, bird feeders are normally used by hobbyists, they are now the favorite subject of every nature lover. Hence, most of them would like to set up their very own bird feeder station in their respective homes.
With that in mind, bird watching has been a favorite past time of people from all ages.
Bird feeder craze is not mainly focused on the typical production of such devices but more on the availability of various options on styles, functions, and serviceability. Hence, today's kinds are all-embracing and extensive, rendering and presenting many choices.
Technical structures of bird feeders are so important to consider because these things will determine the quality and the kind of seeds needed to supply the birds' daily meal.
Much has been printed about the different bird feeding. Frankly, there are still many information gaps. What they do not know is that the entire success of bird feeding greatly depends on the type and style of bird feeder used and the kinds of feeds.
Using decorative and creative bird feeders do not just create an attractive and appealing garden or backyard. You can also lure different kinds of birds, which can extensively boost your gratification of your environment at home.
For people who are fascinated with bird watching, the utilization of an attractive bird feeder is not just an added attraction but also increases the bustle in your yard. With the accommodating feature of gazebo bird feeders, the amount of birds flocking in your bird feeding station is increased.
Bird feeders are available in various flairs and sorts. One of the most attractive bird feeder available in the market to day is the gazebo bird feeder.
Like real gazebos, the gazebo bird feeder is specially created to accommodate different types of seeds or other types of bird feeds. With its pavilion makeup, gazebo bird feeders provide spacious and attractive shelter and food supplier for most kinds of birds. They can also provide remarkable venues for resting. And because they are specially patterned next to the real gazebo, this particular type of bird feeder is considered as a good example of a decorative mark in a given setting.
To know more about gazebo bird feeders, here is a list of some of its advantages:
1. Spacious
Gazebo bird feeders are spacious. This particular type of bird feeder can accommodate more than 2 pounds of any seed mixture.
Hence, you do not have to check on it every now and then just to ensure availability of seeds all day long. With gazebo bird feeders, your little flying friends will definitely love to stay and devour on their favorite meal without having to run out of seeds.
2. Durable
Since gazebo bird feeders can hold much weight, you can be sure that the accompanying support is enough to hold the load. Most gazebo bird feeders have "steel hanging cable" fastened to the bottom of the bird feeder for additional support. Hence, you can be sure that gazebo bird feeders are durable and safe to use.
3. Safe
Gazebo bird feeders have remarkable lock design. It features a "twist-lock" facet that locks up firmly to a specific seed feeding container with a well emptied dish.
4. Chic
Aside from the fact that the gazebo design creates an added attraction to one's landscape or backyard, the different designs of gazebo bird feeders are `lso fascinating.
Gazebo bird feeders are available in wood and stained glass design. With that in mind, fashion is the definitely the next best thing to a typical backyard attraction.
5. Mess-free and spill-proof
Because of its spacious design, gazebo bird feeders are definitely spill-proof and mess-free. Hence, you do not have to worry on unnecessary growth of flowers in your garden, mostly within the area where your bird feeder is situated.

Got Birds - Absolute Bird Control Addresses Top Ten Pest Bird Problmes Home Owners Encounter

Got birds? Absolute Bird Control is a website dedicated to providing the very best in affordable and humane bird deterrents. The site offers a full line of easy to use products that can remedy virtually any pest bird problem, and the products are designed for home use! Whether you have pigeons under an eave, geese in your yard, or sparrows nesting on a window sill, Absolute Bird Control has the right product for you!
Pest birds can be quite a nuisance. They create a mess, and can carry disease such as West Nile Virus, Avian Flu, and Histoplasmosis. It is important to address a pest bird problem as soon as one is spotted. The longer birds inhabit an area, the harder it is to get them to move on.
For years Absolute Bird Control has been dedicated to helping home owners find the best product for their pest bird problems. The customer service department is committed to educating customers on the different products available.
Recently Absolute Bird Control polled its customer service department to find out what the top ten "pest bird" questions they received were. The list below provides solutions for the most common bird problems home owners' encounter. If you have a pest bird problem, Absolute has a solution!
1. Pigeons On a roof
Birds like the highest points on buildings for predator and food lookout. When you take away the option to land there, they will usually move on and find another spot. Pigeons or seagulls can be deterred by using the spike products. Birds know they cannot land on such a surface. An outdoor sound deterrent also works well in this situation. These units are weatherproof, and can cover large areas. Other options would be the gel repellants. Applied to the roofline, birds do not like the "sticky sensation" on their feet, and will move on. Making the area uncomfortable will be your best bet. Because it can be difficult to access a roof area, calling in a authorized pest control company may be the best way to take care of birds on a roof. To find an installer in your area, call 1-800-392-6915.
2. Small Birds nesting under and eave or canopy
An eave is the perfect home for a bird. It provides shelter from the elements and predators. Scents in the nesting material and droppings will lead the bird back to their own nest. The most important step is to make sure all of the nesting material is cleaned away. Calling a pest control professional to help aid with the clean up and installation is your best bet. Bird droppings carry disease, and the proper protection is a must. Once the nests and droppings are cleaned up, there are several products that can help. The best way to keep smaller birds out of an eave is to block them out with netting. The netting acts as a physical barrier. Treating the beams that the birds are nesting on with the Bird Gel will also help. The Bird Chase Supersonic, an outdoor sound deterrent, is weatherproof and can be programmed for smaller birds. Predator calls signal the birds to move away from danger.
3. Pigeons on a Balcony or patio
Pigeons on a balcony or patio area are a very common problem. These areas provide shelter, and prime nesting locations. Because the birds land indiscriminately on these areas, it is important to choose something that will encompass the patio or balcony. Many people have success with stringing visual deterrents such as Mylar Flash Tape or Scare Eye Diverters. Both use visual scare tactics to frighten birds away. A sound deterrent can also help with this problem; they cover wide areas, and require no maintenance. For table tops and A.C. units, the Repeller, a solar powered unit that uses motion to scare birds, will also work.
4. Geese in yard, making a mess of grass area
Geese are large birds, which create large messes. Absolute Bird Control carries three different products to deter geese. There is a topical grass repellent called Migrate. It is made out of grape extract, and geese can't stand the taste. Applied to a lawn area, geese will realize they do not have a food source and move onto a better spot. There is also a product called the scarecrow which is hooked up to a garden hose. Every time the unit detects motion it will spray out water. Lastly there is a sound deterrent called the Goose Chase Sonic, which uses distress calls of other geese to move geese on. If you only have a few geese any one of the goose products will work. If you have a greater number of geese on the property, you may want to consider using a combination of the products.
5. Woodpeckers destroying the side of a home
Woodpeckers peck into surfaces for a three reasons, to look for food, to attract a mate, and to create a nesting cavity. If woodpeckers have chosen your home to peck at, there are a few successful items you can use. Visual deterrents, such as the Diverters, Scare Eye Balloons, or Mylar Tape work well with a woodpecker problem. These three items have reflective surfaces which woodpeckers will avoid. The Bird Chase Super Sonic can be programmed for woodpeckers. The unit can cover between 1-5 acres, and is weatherproof.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Purebred Dog Breeding Today

Yellow Lab Acadia dressed in a rooster costume
Keifer at the awards ceremonyThe breeding of purebred dogs today has become very complex and even in many breeds of dogs there are many different breeding lines that produce different type and traits of dogs within the same breed of dog. This has come about due to breeders personel likes and dislikes of a certain types, sizes or colors but every breeder of purebred dogs needs to remember that breed of dog breed standard. Does your dog have its true breed characteristics? Does your dog appear to look like what its breed books say it should look like? Does it compare to picture of of dogs of its breed of old or of famous dogs bred in its breed? Finally does it have the true temperament for the breed you own? Last but not least is your dog of sound healthy breeding lines?
These are all question any breeder or some one thinking of breeding dog should ask themself before they undertake the job of breeding any litter of puppies in any breed of dog. If you can answer all the questions above and you have done at leat some research in your breed of dog and the bloodlines you are working with and do know what traits your bloodline has, what the sire and dam look like, the grandsire and granddam and further back great sires and dams in your dogs pedigree. The next thing on your mind should be what are you trying to improve on and what are you trying to keep in your breed of dog.
There are three main breeding methods of breeding dogs or purebreds, line breeding, out crossing and inbreeding. There are many good books out there on breeding of dogs and I am not trying to rewirte any of them in this writing, rather I am trying to get you as a breeder of dogs to think, read and questions what you doing and wear you going with your breeding program. I will discuss shortly the three ways of breeding purebred dogs as to only lay fourth a guide to breeding better dogs and keeping some type of constant format to produce dogs that closely look like each other, have the same traits, temperments and are sound healthy dogs. Lets us simply discuss them shortly and see if I can get you thinking and looking at the way you are breeding your dogs.
Lets talk out cross breeding - This type of breeding is seen a lot in dog breeding were none related dogs who are bred out none related stock are bred together and in your dogs pedigree. This type of breeding will not produce good dogs of the same type, quality and soundness. Breeding dogs this way only leads to many uncertain factors and can bring in many things a breeder is unaware of or even make it impossiable to pin point were a trait or problem have come from. Out cross breedings should be done by very experienced breeders only looking to correct a fault or make a certain improvement in there dogs and than the breeder must be sure the dog or bitch they are using carries this trait themself and the line they were bred down from does carry this trait or improvement for at least the last three generations in there line or pedigree for it to have any effect on result in making the desire changes, after this these dogs from the out cross are usually bred back into the main breeding line. Out cross breeding should not be done by new breeders or new comers to any breed and out cross breeding is no way to start a breeding program when trying to produce constant type, temperament and soundness in your dogs. Even long time breeders have made mistakes when out crossing and it is the fastest way to change type, temperament and soundness in any breeding program in any breed of dog. I allways recommend you to educate yourself, know your breed of dog, do some generation research and at leat learn basic genetic knowledge or do some reading before you begin to bred any breed of dog. Also seek the help of other successful breeders in your breed of dog that have been around awhile, most good breeders are willing to help and give advice to all novice dog breeders and new comers.
Lets talk about Line Breeding - Line breeding is the breeding of related dogs bred down from a certain breeding line of dogs. Many breeders think line breeding is close breeding of related dogs and it should be avoided. Nothing is farther from the truth. Good line breeding will produce your best dogs who will in return produce even better dogs if done right. Line breeding will give you much higher constant results producing dogs of the same type, size, quality, traits and temperments. That is if the breeder is starting out with everything being good and the line there breeding back into is good with all things they want in there breed of dog. Line breeding will quickly show a breeder just how good the line of dogs they are working with is but line breeding will also show the breeder any faults or problems they may have in there breeding program. There are many formulas for line breeding and these are discuss in many good books on dog breeding, there are different degree's of line breeding as well. So it is not my attenion to go into all these formulas here. However two which have proven very sucessufl to me over the years are when you breed a grand dauther to her dams sire, (i.e. grandsire) this does require some advanced planning and does require both dogs to be of very high quality with all the good traits you want and within there breeds standard. Half borther and half sister breeding with a out cross line in the middle of there pedigree has also proven very good results if the dogs used are of very good quality, sound and have great temperments. Line breeding does require knowledge and research. Its is allways recommended that you due this before any breeding of dogs. Line breeding in most cases will produce you better and higher quality of dogs in any breed as long as you are starting out with very good bred stock of the breed of dog you are trying to breed. Line breeding has been proven by many top breeders and top kennels around the world as one of the best ways to produce better dogs.

How to Find the Right Dog School for Your Dog

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Has a new puppy recently become a member of your family? Puppies are born with instincts, but not with the knowledge of how to behave. Therefore, it is necessary to teach your new puppy appropriate behaviors and also some fun tricks. You can try to do this yourself or you can enlist the help of a dog school.
There are many different types of dog schools available. What dog school would be the best for your dog? Things to consider when searching for a dog school include: the age of your dog, the breed, the personality, and what it is that you want your dog to learn.
Let's focus first on what you want your dog to learn. Do wish to have your dog learn basic obedience commands such as "sit" and "stay"? Do you want to learn practice drills you can do with your dog at home such as keeping them from begging for food at the dinner table? Then local dog schools will best meet your needs.
Local dog schools can be found at community colleges, city recreation centers, through pet stores, and even through private dog schools. You can opt to take a group class with up to twenty other dogs. These types of dog schools are often less expensive and meet in a local park. They meet once or twice week for a few weeks. You can have fun teaching your dog new commands as well as let them socialize with fellow dogs.
Local dog schools can offer more advanced dog training classes as well. Perhaps your dog has mastered the basic commands and you want to teach them how to hold a piece of food on their nose for a specified amount of time and then flip it into their mouth. You can find dog schools that have fun, exciting advanced classes where you and your dog can bond.
You may consider having your dog compete in dog shows. Maybe you purchased your dog from an established breeder that has determined your dog has champion DNA in their pedigree. If so then you should look into more in depth dog schools that are focused specifically and dog handling/showing. You can find these through breeders and the American Kennel Club. You can search for dog training materials and resources on the American Kennel Club website at:
On a different note, maybe you want your dog to become a service dog or guide dog for the blind. Dogs that perform these jobs have to go to specific guide dog training schools. These special dog schools are necessary because there are very detailed requirements and commands that a guide dog must learn. These types of dog schools will also provide the support, knowledge, and training necessary to make your dog a successful guide dog.
There are many guide and service dog schools around the world to train your dog. You can find these schools through your breeder, groomer, and veterinarian. You can also find information about these dog schools through the Internet. A comprehensive listing is available by Wolf Packs - List of Service Dog Schools and Information. You can find this on their website at:
Once you have determined what you want your dog to learn then you can narrow down your search of dog schools by taking into account your dog's age, personality, and breed. Do you have a young puppy that is large like a Great Dane? Or do you have tiny new Bichon Frise that weighs in at only 4 pounds? Find out the type of dogs that are allowed into the dog training class.
Will the dog training class be filled with many large dogs that might scare your little Bichon Frise? Or are there dog classes available that are separated by age and weight? It is a good idea to be aware of this information before you sign your dog up for classes. You want to provide them the best experience possible and not have them cower when it is time to head to dog class each week.
Another consideration when choosing between dog schools is the amount of one-on-one attention. Is your dog very active and can't sit still during group training sessions? Many dog schools offer private classes. Sometimes the dog trainer will even come to your home to give you and your pooch lessons.

What Supplies Will You Need for a Dog?

The time has come. You have stopped by the pet shop every day on the way home from work to dote on the cute puppies in the window. Normally you return home with the thoughts of a cute puppy scampering down your hallways. Well, today you did it. You decided to purchase your very own puppy. However, before you bring your puppy home you need to be prepared. You need to purchase various dog supplies so that you can provide a welcoming home to your new dog.
What types of dog supplies do you need? There is a bounty of dog supplies available on the market today. The dog supplies range from basic necessities such as dog food to cute dog costumes. Dog supplies have become such a hot market today that numerous pet supply companies have popped up to meet any needs you have for dog supplies. This competition in the market place is a benefit to you because often times you can find great prices on dog supplies by doing a little market research.
Let's first take a look at the basic dog supplies that you will want to have when your pooch arrives home. Basic dog supplies include: dog food, dog bowls, collar, leash, kennel/crate, and dog bed. Dog food is number one on the list because you shouldn't feed your canine table scraps or your own dinner. You can place their food in regular bowls, but it is fun to search for a cute dog bowl. You can find dog bowls that even have their name on it.
Dogs have specific nutritional needs to need to be met so they grow up strong and have a healthy life. Proper dog supplies include the dog food that is geared towards their age, weight/size, and activity level. It is vital to maintain the proper weight for your dog's size and breed. Table scraps and human food can lead to excess weight that is a detriment to your dog's overall health. Not to mention they might have some unsightly waste products as a result of the human food.
When searching for dog food from your dog supplies list it is crucial that you find the right dog food. Check with a veterinarian, breeder, or dog shop owner for recommendations on the proper food. Dogs also will become used to their specific brand and type of dog food and if you suddenly change it they may suffer from upset stomach. Since they will be on the dog food for a long time it is a great idea to spend time finding the proper dog food for your pooch.
A dog collar and a dog leash should be next on your list of dog supplies. Many states require that you register your pet with the state. In addition you may need to demonstrate that your dog has had the required vaccines, such as rabies shots, and they must wear a tag on their collar regarding this. Also create a dog tag that has your dog's name on it, your name, and phone number in case your dog ever gets lost.
Most cities require that your dog be on a leash through various leash laws. Keeping your dog on a leash is a smart idea especially when you head out to parks or walk along the road. You don't want your pooch to bother other people or run out in front of an oncoming car. These scary situations can be avoided by using a leash to control your dog's movement. Leashes are also a training tool which you can use to teach your dog the proper behavior for their daily walk.
Dog supplies have improved over the years especially regarding different types of leashes. Does your dog constantly pull away from you on the leash causing them to cough? If so, you can buy a least that doesn't connect to just their collar, but is instead a harness that wraps around their entire body. You slip their legs through it. This type of leash can be much more comfortable for your dog, so consider it when looking for dog supplies.
If you leave your dog outside at all, whether you are home or not, you need to make sure that your dog is in a secure area. Therefore, you can keep them on a leash that is connected to a runner cord so they have a great area to run. Or you can provide a fenced in area for them to play in. Special things to note when looking for these types of dog supplies is that the leash should be a chest harness leash because you don't want the dog to constantly run after passersbys and hurt their throat. If you have a fence then make sure that it is in line with your dog's jumping ability. You don't want your dog jumping over the fence the second you turn your head.
Next on your dog supplies list should be a dog kennel/crate and/or dog bed. Your dog needs a place they can call their own in your home. A dog kennel/crate helps a dog to feel safe, especially when you are gone. Refrain from using the dog kennel as a discipline retreat. You want them to look forward to their own space in your home.
These are the basic dog supplies you need to purchase before you pick up your new pooch. Later on, you can spend hours finding fun toys, dog chews, and dog costumes for your new best canine friend.
Visit the Dog supplies [] website to research dog breeds & get free tips on dog training, dog books, dog products & how to find dog sitters & dog walkers.

How to Find a Certified Dog Trainer

Are you in the market for a dog trainer? Do you want your dog to learn from a top notch certified dog trainer? You may have dreams of seeing your dog in professional dog competitions and shows. Therefore, you need to have your dog trained by a certified dog trainer to ensure the best results.
Why should you hire a certified dog trainer instead of a basic dog trainer? A certified dog trainer is one that takes their dog training career seriously enough to become certified. You can feel comfortable in the fact that they have met high dog training standards and passed certification exams and tests. You don’t want a fly-by-night dog trainer, but a certified dog trainer that is in it for the long haul.
How do you find a certified dog trainer? There are numerous dog trainers available in the market place today. Dog trainers range in age, skill level, and experience. Your neighbor might tell you that they are a dog trainer because they have read a few books on the subject and taught their dog to fetch the newspaper. This is not sufficient dog training experience.
You should consult a variety of resources. Try asking your dog breeder, groomer, and veterinarian. They can direct you to local dog training schools that have certified dog trainers on their faculty. Various pet supply stores have dog training programs that train and certify their dog trainers. Example pet supply stores include PETCO.
However, research what they mean by “certification”. Is the certification by PETCO standards only or by a universal certification? Find out what the requirements are for their certified dog trainers. Only then can you determine if their dog trainers will supply the skill level and experience you desire.
You need to find a dog trainer that has had comprehensive training and can proudly demonstrate that they are a certified dog trainer. Be aware, though, that there are many “certified dog training” schools and home correspondence courses available. Not all of these schools are credible nor do they provide proper instruction. You need to find a dog trainer that has certification as described by the Certification Council for Pet Dog Trainers.
The Certification Council for Pet Dog Trainers is a well respected organization that provides testing and certification services for dog trainers. They administer specific dog training tests in various states around the country approximately twice per year. These intensive tests root out the professional dog trainer from the average dog trainer. Check out their website at:
The Certification Council for Pet Dog Trainers also provides a listing of certified dog trainers. You can search through this listing to find a certified dog trainer in your area. This roster of certified dog trainers comprises certified dog trainers all over the world. The certified dog trainer list will give you their contact information including name, city, phone number, and e-mail address. Another great feature is that they list the date the dog trainer became certified. This will let you know how many years they have been in the dog training business. Peruse the list at: [].
Certified pet trainers do not only need to pass a certification exam and testing, they must also continue their education through workshops, conferences, and other means. When selecting a certified dog trainer ask them about the extent of their continuing education. You want a certified dog trainer that continues to hone their craft. They should actively learning about various dog training methods. This demonstrates that they are committed to providing the best dog training.
A certified dog trainer should have at least three to five years of dog training experience. This is especially true if they charge higher fees. You can take the plunge with a newly certified dog trainer if cost is an issue. Newly certified dog trainers may charge lower rates in order to establish a list of clients and garner experience. “Master” certified dog trainers are those that have twenty to thirty years of experience. They may have great skill and in depth background experience, but may come at a higher price.
You have the beginning knowledge regarding finding a certified dog trainer. Spend time searching resources available through your dog breeder, veterinarian, and pet supply store. Scour the book store, library, and Internet for detailed information. You can find a certified dog trainer in your area as well.
You wouldn’t go to an unlicensed doctor would you? So why would go to a trainer that is not certified? Certified dog trainers are out there and ready to help you and your pooch learn valuable skills. They are committed to your dog, their career, and learning everything they can about becoming a top notch dog trainer. Who knows, your certified dog trainer may help your dog win the Westminster dog show. Not only would your dog be trained well and achieve glory, but the expense would be well worth it.

Where Can I Take My Dog? To The Beach?

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It is hard to imagine many places a dog is happier than at a beach. Whether
running around on the sand, jumping in the water, digging a hole or just lying in the sun, every dog deserves a day at the beach. But all too often dog owners stopping at a sandy stretch of beach are met with signs designed to make hearts - human and canine alike - droop: NO DOGS ON BEACH. Below is a quick traveling tour of America's beaches with each state ranked from the most dog-friendly (****) to the worst (*).
DOGS ON ATLANTIC OCEAN BEACHES (traveling North to South)
The rocky coast of Maine (***) is mesmerizing to look at but doesn't leave much
room for sandy beaches. Dogs are generally banned from the beaches at the many
small state parks along the Maine coast, but dog owners will find more friendly
sands on the town beaches. Around Portland, the state's biggest city, and the tourist
towns of the Southern Coast dogs are often allowed on the beach anytime Labor Day
to Memorial Day and in the mornings and evenings during the summer. The
spectacular Acadia National Park is one of America's most dog-friendly national
parks but does not allow dogs on its beaches.
It is lucky for dog lovers that New Hampshire (*) has only 18 miles of coastline. State
beaches and parks don't allow dogs on the sand at all. If you must stop in New
Hampshire, try the Grand Island Common in New Castle or Foss Beach in Rye during
the off-season from October to late May.
Around Boston, the beaches of the North Shore are off-limits to dogs during the
summer but other towns in Massachusetts (****) are more generous - dogs are
usually allowed year-round with restrictive hours in the summer. Cape Cod,
however, is the best destination for beach-loving dogs in New England. Cape Cod
National Seashore, America's first national seashore, allows dogs on the beach
anytime outside the swimming areas (and not on the trails). The curviture of the
Cape limits sightlines down the beach and gives the park the impression of being
comprised of a series of dune-backed private coves. The two tourist islands off
southern Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, are both extremely dog-
friendly - on Nantucket, dogs can even take the shuttle to the beach.
The beaches of Rhode Island (**) are kept dog-free during the summer but if you
take the ferry to Block Island, dogs can enjoy the black sand beaches throughout the
year. In Newport, you can take your dog on the fabled Cliff Walk (poop bags are
provided at the trailhead) through the backyards of America's rich and famous. The
hike begins at Bailey's Beach, which welcomes dogs from Labor Day to Memorial
The sandy beaches of Connecticut (*) are not known for being dog-friendly. But
many aren't that friendly to people either, with restricted access being common. If
your dog is hankering to try the benign waves of the Long Island Sound, stop in
Groton. Dogs are not allowed to experience America's most famous beach at
Coney Island in Brooklyn.
The further east you go out on Long Island the more dog-friendly New York (**)
becomes but whether on the north shore or south shore you can find a place to get
your dog to the sea. Dog owners must pass on the prime destinations at Jones
Beach and Fire Island National Seashore until reaching the Hamptons, where the tails
of surf-loving dogs will start wagging. Many towns in the Hamptons offer dog-
friendly sand and at Montauk, on the very tip of Long Island, several beaches allow
dogs year-round, including Gin Beach on the Block Island Sound. The wide, white-
sand beaches of the Jersey shore are some of America's most popular and there isn't
much space for a dog to squeeze into in the summertime.

You Need Pest Bird Deterrents

Homeowners, is your patio being rained on by bird droppings? Do you find yourself washing bird droppings off your BBQ every week? Are your rain gutters clogged with bird nests causing water to always overflow into unwanted areas? What about your pool or spa? Do friends and family avoid it because of bird droppings in the water? If the answer is yes to any one of these questions, it's time you looked into a pest bird deterrent.
Boat owners, is your pride and joy covered with bird droppings? Does your beautiful blue canvas boat cover rip due to hardened bird poop? Are your antennas and masts covered and jammed up with droppings? Do people slip and fall on the slippery poop left by birds as they move about your vessel? If so, you need some serious pest bird deterrent.
Property managers, are pest birds destroying the businesslike atmosphere you've worked so hard to create. Are your air conditioning units and rooftop ventilators grinding to a halt? Are your solar panels and security cameras plastered with poop? Is your outdoor eatery losing customers due to bird droppings on tables and chairs? If so, you know what you need to do--get some bird deterrents!
If you run a day care center or school, is the outdoor play area covered with disease carrying bird poop? Are the outdoor lunch tables splattered with bird droppings? If so, read on. You need some pest bird deterrent ASAP.
Fortunately, for all those who have been putting up with pest birds, there are many highly effective pest bird deterrents to choose from. These are readily available, easy to install and safe for birds and people.
Let's start with flash tape. This simple bird deterrent is often made of iridescent material that shimmers and reflects in the sunlight. Tape made of thin metal will crackle in the breeze. The combination of these audio-visual distractions work to disorient and confuse most pest birds. Ideal for indoor or outdoor use, flash tape is an ideal bird deterrent for use in barns, sheds, storage areas, warehouses, docks, farms, carports parking lots, homes, boats and boat docks.
A close cousin to flash tape is the Bird Scare Balloon. Often covered with looming reflective predator eyes or other bird-threatening markings, your typical bird deterrent balloon is about 16" diameter when fully inflated. Pest birds see these balloons bobbing in the breeze and they will fly away. The best balloons are constructed of a U.V.- and weather-resistant vinyl. They are ideal for deterring pest birds from fruit trees, gazebos, boats, patio covers, and building overhangs. Balloons are also an ideal way to discourage geese and ducks away from pools. When filled one-fourth with water and allowed to float around the pool, birds will stay away.
Another bird deterrent that has proven itself to be effective in many applications is the Bird Spike strip. Armed with menacing looking spikes that discourage pest birds from landing, these simple devices have kept pigeons and other large birds from ledges, windowsills, rooftops, commercial signs, billboards, parapet walls, I-beams, and other open areas. Spike strips are currently available with flexible stainless steel spikes or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate spikes. The blunted spikes are harmless to birds and will not cut or injure people. They typically come in two-foot sections and are easily installed with screws or adhesive. Installed properly, their non-reflective metal finish makes them all but invisible from the ground.
Birds really can't stand this next deterrent--Bird Gel. Easily applied using a caulking gun on virtually any flat surface, this stuff dries, but stays sticky. When birds land on it, they can't wait to get their little footsies off. Safe for birds and humans, bird gel is ideal for ledges, rooflines, beams, signs, conduit, pipes and other problem areas. The sticky gel typically lasts up to 6 months outdoors.

Monday, October 1, 2012

10 Clever Ways to Spot the Best & Worst Dog Trainers on the Web Or in Your Town!

"Can I wash my own dog? It can't be that hard can it?" These are the words that I hear everyday as I go about my business working at the Pooch Parlor in Northern Idaho. Each time I walk a customer through this process, I find myself wondering why in the world something so simple is so doggone hard to explain. Washing your own dog may seem simple, but - only if you think and speak 'dog' - the language of your own dog.
I run a shop for full service and self-service dog grooming and bathing, and I LOVE it! There are dogs, and owners, of every size, every breed, and every temperament that come in to use the self-service doggie wash. Most owners are excited, some are scared, and some are cocky, but no matter who they are, or what they do for a living, there is nothing quite as intimidating for them as washing their own dog in public! The thought of doing this can give even the most confident person, performance anxiety, and for good reason! It is a true test of trust and tolerance and friendship for the person and dog companion. And, on a very basic level, it is an honest mirror for the owner, and how he or she deals with life, and with conflict. The likelihood of a successful experience for both is completely dependent upon the psychological relationship that exists between them, and, to a large extent, the ability of both to comprehend the body language of the other. You may be surprised to know that I have found that dogs are supremely better at reading their humans than their humans are of reading them. It is this relationship between human and canine, that shows itself without modesty during bathtime, and, keeps me coming to work day after day with a smile on my face.
My clients have been giving their dogs baths in my shops for 10+ years now, and, each year is more entertaining than the last when it comes to watching regular people washing their own regular dogs. The average person that comes through our doors is highly successful, which usually means - intelligent - and, because like attracts like, so is their dog. And, so why oh why, they ask me, should this simple task of cleaning their dog be so difficult? I ask them time and again, "Well, how well do you speak dog?" Invariably, their reply is a blank stare. So, this is the time to ask yourself, "How well do YOU speak dog?"
There is a lot to say about the theories of why dogs and humans behave the way they do, but I'm going to get back to the practical things to look for while bathing your own dog. The bottom line to remember is that your dog's energy and personality traits are a mirror to your own. Take this into consideration when attempting to get him into the tub and have him be happy about it.
1. Deciding when to bathe your dog. Timing and Personality traits: Timing is important. Look at your own needs regarding timing to know how your dog will react. Are you the kind of person that is up for anything anytime? Or do you need to accomplish your day in a scheduled, systematic way? How do you do with new experiences? Do you find them refreshing and fun, or do you feel fearful until comfortable with a new activity? Your dog is going to deal with the bathtime experience in the same way you deal with life experiences. Remember that your dog is going to reflect your own personality traits - not necessarily the traits you show the world, but the traits that are truly inside you.
a. Fun-loving, extroverted, and social humans. If you enjoy regular physical activity, then so will your dog. For this type of person and dog, I suggest you take your dog out for a bout of exercise before the bath. In the city where I work, we are fortunate to have a designated beach on the lake just for dogs and their humans - dogbeach. There is a long path to run or walk on, and there is a large beach area to swim and play in. This is the perfect scenario for pre-bath timing. The dog can choose to get muddy, run, socialize, or just enjoy being outside. In any case, the dog is able to spend big reserves of energy outside in a fun way, just like letting human children play before naptime. If you love exercise, do something like this with your dog before taking him into your own tub or a professional facility for a dog bath. A common fault of the social dog and owner: Just because you are friendly, out-going person does not mean everyone wants to accept your friendly, and out-going gestures. It's hard to fathom, I know, but it is true. If you have a very social dog (if you are a social person), it is easy to forget that many dogs (like their owners) are not social and do not appreciate the social requirements (like butt-sniffing) of others. Please remember to respect their space when in public or otherwise. Keep your dog restrained and under control, even if your dog has the friendliest intentions.
b. Non-social, active, or inactive humans. If your personality is not conducive to social interaction, then I still suggest that you walk your dog or do something that is comfortable within your life that involves light exercise before bathing your dog. Taking a walk with your dog does wonders to alleviate excess tension or stress for both human and dog. By getting rid of stressful energies during a walk, it does not present itself during bathtime. Getting exercise is especially important for those humans,( I mean dogs), that are highly nervous. I recommend giving your dog Valerian root (liquid form) or Rescue Remedy (liquid or spray) orally 30 minutes before the bath. Both of these products are natural remedies to calming down jittery nerves- and it works great for humans too. If timing is important in your life, take your dog to a self-service bathing facility when the least amount of people are there, usually early or late in the day. A common fault of the non-social dog and owner: they communicate poorly within their own species and with other species. Many people that tend towards isolation, often do this because they never figured out how to communicate effectively in human society. Their dogs typically have the same problem. I have seen it happen many times that owners of aggressive dogs unwittingly encourage their dog's unwanted behavior, when they think they are doing the opposite. They do this by projecting their worrying thoughts about the 'what-ifs' of a social situation. Dogs of this type of owner act out their dog interpretations of their human owners signals. The dogs often pick up the 'what-if' fears of the human as the request of their human, actually creating the 'what-if' behavior to occur.